Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finn's Firsts

I forgot to mention before that Finn now waves hello and can army crawl! I'll try taking a video of him crawling. He can get anywhere now!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cabin #1

Dan and I decided to leave for Dave and Mary Jo's cabin at Lake Gogebic in U.P Michigan on Monday for however long the kids would last. I was thinking it would be 3 days but we ended up coming home Saturday! It was the first time Anya and Finn had been up there and was actually the first time for me in almost 3 years! Anya and Finn did really well and had a ton of fun!

Anya had fun running around the yard, watching Aebo swim, and swinging in the hammock with Daddy.

Anya also loved taking "hikes in the forest". She really did not like the mosquitos and would tell Dan to say "Bugs. This is my daughter. Leave her alone. Go back into the forest by yourself. Don't bite her anymore!"
We also took a couple trips to Lake Superior where Anya and Mary Jo collected rocks and Dan collected drift wood. We went to Presque Isle and hiked to a couple different waterfalls and then out to Lake Superior where Dan and Anya had fun skipping rocks.

After a fun filled day, Anya and Finn were pretty messy, so we decided to give them their first "Sauna" really just a bath in the warm sauna in a red storage tub! Anya said "I took my first Sauna and it was great!"

Here a just some cute bedtime pictures...

Some funny ones of Anya making faces

Her chipmunk face

Craft time: I made a birch bark bead necklace. You take strips of birch bark, cut them in to long triangles, put on some glue and roll them up into beads. String them onto some leather and there you have it! It turned out pretty cool, I think I'm going to have to make some more.

Dan woodburned into driftwood

Thursday, June 2, 2011

This is just a brief snippet of what we encounter on a daily basis in the Seppala household. Anya just can't help herself from singing and dancing. She is like her daddy and will just make up a song for anything and everything.

9 month stats

Finn is 28 in and 21lb in the 50-75% which is funny to me because he looks so big and is wearing 12-18 month clothes. He is eating more big people foods now. Only two teeth, but he can munch on real cooked peas and carrots, watermelon, strawberries, pears, crackers, cheerios, etc... We still have not found a food he hasn't liked. He says "mama", "dada" ,"nighnigh" and is pretty close to Anya "ana" and all the other typical baby sounds. Tonight he said "nighnigh" when he saw me bring out his pj's and sleep sack. He absolutely loves aebo and giggles whenever he walks by. Aebo lets him "pet" him which is more like pull on him-we're working on that...
Next week is Finn's last week at his current daycare and then he's home for the summer with Dan, Anya, and me. Then next fall he will go with Anya to the daycare at my school!