Sunday, November 28, 2010

November update

I don't have many pictures of me with the kids because it's usually me behind the camera, so these are nice to have.

Dan must have very dominant genes, because we have yet another child that looks strikingly similar to him. I should have taken this picture a few day's later when Dan shaved his head again.

Anya and her cousin Gabriel talking to Finn and making him smile.

Anya is at such a fun age right now. She is over all of that terrible two stuff. She is in general a very happy little girl. She loves to sing and dance. She must be going through a growth spurt because she is hungry all day long and eats every single thing I pack for her at school. Just so I remember, her favorite foods right now are oatmeal squares, strawberries, rice, broccoli, and green beans. Her favorite movies are anything Bella Dancerella, Dora Dance, and her DVD bible (she calls it "Jesus loves me movie"). She can take out the dvd she wants, open the dvd player, put the movie in, and press the button to get it to start playing! She is wearing 3t clothes and size 8 shoes! She loves playing in her room and will clean up and organize her toys in the right bins. She is just so much fun and has so much spunk and personality.

Finn is still doing great, he is still sleeping through the night. He is eating 8oz pretty consistently (I'm going to have to start rice cereal sooner than I thought I would). He's wearing 6 month clothes. He loves his bouncy seat and is starting to be able to hold and shake toys. He is also getting better at playing with his hands and gumming them. He is so smiley and talkative and just a happy laid back guy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 months

Since I've been back at work, Finn has been pretty consistently sleeping through the night. We usually feed him his last bottle at 8:30 or 9:00 and put him down and he sleeps until 6:00. This morning he slept until 7:30 which was nice! He is just such a happy boy. Last night for probably 45 minutes, I just laughed and talked with him and he laughed and talked back. He makes sounds that sound like "oh yeah" and "hi".. I know they are not, but they kind of sound like it. It's also funny because he already does what we tell him to do...I will be trying to burp him for 5 minutes and finally I'll say "Finn, can you please burp for mommy" and then he does! The other day I was frustrated and said to Dan "Dan, he won't burp, and it's taking him forever to eat, and if he doesn't eat then he won't sleep through the night!" (said in a very whiny voice) and all Dan did was point to Finn and say "BOY!" and just then Finn burped and finished his bottle, went to bed, and slept through the night!Today I took Finn to a craft fair with my mom, my friends Trisha and Megan, their mom Jean, and Megan's son Nate. Nate is 9 months old and was a perfect angel the whole day. Finn slept the entire time so it was a very enjoyable day! I think Finn and Nate will be good friends!Anya has been doing good except for a nasty cough. We are going to have her tested for allergies this next week. Hopefully the cough can be traced to that and we can get a medication figured out that will help her. It's the same cough she has had at this time of the year for 3 years. It pretty much started when we turned on the we will see.As I've said million times before, she LOVES anything bella dancerella related and now it's the cheerleading version of the movie. Luckily she just so happens to have a cheerleading outfit-boy was she excited when I showed her that! - as you can see in the picture, she can now get the refrigerator door open and get the milk out! yikes.