So this weekend has been full of adventures. Friday afternoon, I made a doctors appointment for Finn because he has had a cold/cough for going on 3 weeks and I took Anya with because it was on the way home from daycare. Throughout that time, Finn has never acted or looked sick other than what appeared to be a cold, but I thought I would bring him in before the weekend and just see what was going on. I was expecting a sinus infection. Finn tested positive for Strep, so they wanted to also test Anya. She also has Strep and a double ear infection! The appointment wasn't even for her! She had been acting fine as well. This is now her 3rd round of ear infections in the last couple of months and the first two times she was miserable, so I would have never thought she had an ear infection too. So they are both on antibiotics. Then Saturday when I was changing Finn's diaper, I noticed one of his toes was red and with a closer look, it looked like something was wrapped around it like a string or fuzz or hair.. Whatever it was was so tightly wrapped around his toe that it was denting in his skin and I couldn't get under it to cut it. So Dan took him to urgent care. They soaked his foot for a while and then tried to scrape and cut but that didn't seem to help, so they sent him to Children's hospital. There, they had to cut into his toe down to the bone to make sure that nothing was there! Poor little boy! There's no stitches, we just have to change the gauze bandaging twice a day. Finn is such a trouper and has been smiley all day today despite having strep, having a cut toe and needing to be on a nebulizer 3 times a day until his coughing goes away....
This isn't a picture of Finn's toe, but you will get the idea...

On the good side.. Finn is totally going to be a hiker and a camper. We have pictures on our walls of different trails Dan (and I ) has hiked on. Finn stares at them all the time. Then last night Dan made a fire downstairs and Finn was just mesmerized watching it sitting so still.
As for Anya, when we were at the doctor ( a different doctor than her normal one who is out of town) I mentioned that I didn't think anything of Anya's cough because she has pretty much had a constant cough since she was a baby. We have tried nebulizers but they haven't helped, she was tested for allergies and that came back negative, etc.... Well, this doctor was like " she needs to be tested for allergies, give her children's zyrtec before bed and that will help her cough" I would just like to say I KNEW IT! Anyway, I also have an appointment for Anya with an Ear-Nose-Throat doctor in a few weeks and we will see what he says, and then I'll probably take her to an allergist. Geeshh..
On the good side....Anya's newest saying is "sure, why not?" She knows the whole "Our Father" and loves playing doctor with her new doctor kit. She tells me that she is taking my temperature and to be still and that I am a good little girl. :)