Yesterday Anya was playing quietly for about 20 minutes while I was cleaning up the kitchen and making dinner. Then I heard "mommy, I spilled" and knew this was not a good 20 minutes of quiet, it was 20 minutes of hey lets get into mommy's makeup and make a mess! Here was the result.. I must say, though, that I was impressed with her ability to actually get mascara on her eyelashes and lipstick on her lips. I love the look on her face that says...maybe I shouldn't have done this...
Today Anya got her first haircut! Her hair is so funny that is curls so much and so tight in the back but not in the front or sides, thus her hair was all uneven and kind of had a rainbow shape in the back. So she went in and got it evened out. Here are some before shots and then during the haircut and after...