We have been trying to keep busy and cool this summer, so most days we meet up with friends or family. We've gone to the minnesota zoo, como zoo, model train museum, grandma and grandpa's pool, many parks, and our own yard. Anya and her friend Claire had fun at the Seppala splash park.
We had a thunderstorm recently and Aebo is NOT a fan, so he has to stay real close to either me or Anya. I was glad that Anya took over the job of comforting him so I could snap some pictures.

Anya's 3rd birthday was today! We had a fun time at Bryant Lake beach yesterday with family and friends. Thanks to everyone for a great birthday! She loved everything and kept saying it was all so beautiful. When we got home, we opened everything up and played with it all!
"I'm Three!"

very protective of her new clothes.

she wanted to lay out her outfits and choose which one she would wear to bed. She picked a pink dance outfit with a white dance tutu...naturally.
relaxing with her pillow pet and her "softie" clothes

Today, Dan brought her flowers.