Well, we went out to the house pleasantly surprised to see them making good progress. The new roof trusses are up, both the garage and the house have been re-shingled, and framing has begun inside. We did have a setback when we stopped by the house the night before Mary was induced. We went inside to find that on the main floor only some of the floorboards had been replaced insted of the whole floor, a closet that was supposed to be expanded was not, several windows were in the wrong spot, and the stone mantle was just plain missing from the fireplace. We went downstairs, which had been framed in already, to find that NOT A SINGLE WALL was in the correct place. In fact, we are adding a bathroom in the basement, and there clearly was not a bathroom framed in. We called the contractor and set up a plan to meet with him the following week and then put it out of our minds while we were at the hospital.
Monday of this week I met with the contractor and the site manager at the house. Basically, a whole bunch of people had made mistakes. The site manager had given the wrong set up plans to the carpenters which was why there were so many mistakes. When we walked around with the correct plans, we saw that the person who drew up the plans had incorrectly measured the location of a major load bearing beam and the locations of support beams, and as a result changes needed to be made in the basement. The flooring was supposed to have all been replaced, the site manager apparently just didn't know it. As far as the mantle, no one knows (well, someone does, but we don't know who) what happened to it. The site manager remembered seeing the week before, but now it had disappeared. If I had to guess, I bet someone dropped something and cracked it and didn't want it attributed to them, so they ditched it somewhere in the huge dumpster in our driveway. Otherwise, they just flat out took it.
The good news is that they owned up to all of the mistakes and issues, and they will be taken care of. As of today (Friday) the upstairs is CORRECTLY framed in, all of the flooring has been replaced, and they are getting plans corrected for the basement to be re-framed. Despite the mistakes when we look around we are starting to get excited for the new home we will have.