Well, Anya is now 1 month old. She will go next Thursday for her one month check up. I can't wait to see how much she has grown! We will try to put more pictures up of her and the house soon. I'm still trying to figure this out (Mary). Anya has been doing good over night now. Last night we fed her at 9:00 and she slept until 3:45! Then she ate and went right back to bed. She's such a good girl. She has already been to the outlets at Albertville, to my school, to target many times, both grandma and grandpa's houses, and has been baby sat by Auntie Kelley and Uncle Dan while Dan and I went out to eat. She loves to go for walks in her stroller and look all around. The picture at the top right is her first play date with a neighbor friend's daughter who was born about a week earlier.
The house is making good progress. The new roof is on, all of the rooms are framed in, the pluming and electric and being finished up, and next will probably be sheet-rock and hopefully siding soon. It's really nice to walk in and get a good idea of what the finished product will look like. We should hopefully know by the end of the month a better estimate of when it will be finished, but we are hoping for Christmas break.
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