Two things:
1) our upstairs toilet had been working intermittently and then recently the cold water tap in the bathroom wasn't working either. So we've had people out and they determined that a piece of insulation had fallen down, cold air was getting in and freezing our pipes! Uh hello! That's pretty major seeing as though our house was just completed under 2 months ago! Its a good thing we moved in during the winter to check for all of this stuff right away! As of now the cold water is back to working, but the toilet should be working by later today. Hopefully.
2) I had my surgery to remove the pollup on my vocal chord. I will have to scan in a picture of the before and after. Huge bump there and gone. So now I'm not supposed to talk for 5 days and then very moderate for the next week. I go back in on the 24th just to check how it is healing. Hopefully by the end of Christmas break I should be back to normal. Man it's hard not talking. I did record a few messages to Any and Dan before I went in and they have definitely helped. Yesterday Anya was playing and I played the recording of me saying hi to her and singing songs and she cranked her head around as soon as I hit play. Super cute. Then last night she was fussing and crying when we put her down to bed.. so I went in and played my recording of me sayign "sshhhh..close your eyes and go to sleep. sweet dreams. I love you" and she did! it was so amazing. I love it. I'm feeling pretty good except today I'm really soar all over. it feels like they had me on dummy strings and were contorting me when I was out. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
Other than that...Things are going good. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!!
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