Anya went swimming for the 1st time! (which really was no different than taking a bath but with a swim suit and no soap). She will try the real pool with daddy soon. Anya "swam" with her cousin Gabriel and they had a great time splishing and splashing around.
1 comment:
I miss those snuggle times. Annie and I have been in the swimming pool all week and most days before and after nap! Those little swimmers are going to eat up a lot of cash!!! Can you believe that just 11months ago you were prego waiting and hoping Anya would hurry up and get here! This is my favorite age now though. It's just so fun to watch them figure things out and watch them respond to what you say. Adam and I laugh at Annie all the time. She's always doing something new and surprising us with that she can do all on her own. Lately it's been getting her croc's on by herself and saying new words. She still does the gibber jabber which I absolutely love to listen to. Her favorite is washing dishes though which I hope my floor holds up from all the water on the floor and not in the sink!
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