Anya has been practicing for this big day since May 21st. She has been walking while holding onto something for about a month and a half now. She has also been freestanding for a while as well. she could stand and clap or stand and play with a toy. I read in a book today that if you give them a toy to hold they might think they are holding onto furniture and take a few steps and it totally worked! This afternoon we were downstairs and we got her to take her first step all on her own. She started by daddy and then took a step toward me! By the time she was almost ready for bed she was going about two steps. There would be a few times where she would look like she was going to fall or sit, but she would catch herself and straighten back up! I bet she will be full out walking before her 1st birthday! She is such a good girl.
Here are her accomplishments so far (I'm mostly listing them out because I haven't put them in a baby book yet and I want to be able to look back at this):
Her vocabulary right now is Daddy, momma, hi, and boy. She can pull a blanket over her head and play hide and seek and then pull it down. She can put her arms way up for "so big". She claps. She dances. She eats better when you sing "if you're happy and you know it", "the itsy bitsy spider", "the wheels on the bus" and "Jesus loves me". She knows where to look when we say mommy, daddy, and bottle. She does the sign language for "all done". She understands "No-No" and is starting to get pretty good about stoping in her tracks and turning around when you say it. We had some issues with her and the dog food, but that's better now. Oh and she's made it up 3 stairs and can come back down. That's all for now. Here are some recent pictures at grandma and grandpa's house doing gymnastics in her daddy's old Lil Sep shirt!
1 comment:
I especially love her little V-up that she's doing! Gotta keep that baby pudge under control now that she's got a BIKINI! super cute by the way.
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