I was nervous leading up to the trip to Santa Barbara, wondering how Anya would do on the plane. She did amazing! She had a bottle on take off and fell asleep spread across both of our laps. She slept for about an hour and a half. Then woke up and played with her toys and books. She made a couple of fussy noises, but really not anything that people would have been annoyed with. We landed in LA and then had to take the smallest plane ever into Santa Barbara. It was only a 20 min flight! So to make up for being a good girl on the plane, she proceeded to have the worst night of sleep ever in her entire life including being a new born. She was screaming and wailing, and there was nothing we could do to help her. We almost thought about taking her to the hospital. But then she was great the next 5 nights. Then 2 nights ago, she cried really hard for an hour. So we decided she is teething again and I went and got some teething tablets from wallgreens and she slept from 8:00pm until 9:30 am! wow. She has been taking good naps though. Anyway, here are a few pictures of Santa Barbara from the pier and of Anya in her little backpack.
1 comment:
Looks like a great trip! Didn't know you were going to CA. I was just there too!!! I also love the screaming picture. That definitely has to be in the graduation slide show!
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