Anya has fun playing with her cousin Gabriel and they both LOVE reading with grandpa. The other pictures are just of Anya being cute. I was FINALLY able to get her hair up into a pony tail! It was so funny sticking up about 3 inches off the top of her head! Anya is really talking a lot now. She tries to repeat just about anything you tell her. The other day she said "teacher" and "duck" because they were pages of one of her favorite books "Brown Bear Brown Bear" . She is getting really good at her shape ball. she can turn the ball around until the right shape hole lines up with the shape she is holding and then she gets it in! I used to have to move the ball to the right spot, but now she does it on her own. She is just so much fun.
1 comment:
Teacher's children are so advanced!!! I love to see them finally accomplish stuff on their own. The other day Annie comes up to me and says, "Sucker please mom?" I was like WOW three word sentence and so polite!!! But no, no sucker unless you go potty on the potty chair! Haha! Yah, that's not fun, not diggin the potty training. But we're making slow progress.
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