Here is a picture of Anya in her baby stroller she got for Christmas. She loves pushing her baby in it, but sometimes she likes a ride too! The other picture is from the other day, I put pigtails in her hair and it was so cute! It's kind of a fuzzy picture and she has a hair clip in her mouth, but I think you get the idea.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Anya 18 months
Here is a picture of Anya in her baby stroller she got for Christmas. She loves pushing her baby in it, but sometimes she likes a ride too! The other picture is from the other day, I put pigtails in her hair and it was so cute! It's kind of a fuzzy picture and she has a hair clip in her mouth, but I think you get the idea.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Baby #2!

I finally figured out what my tape worm was! I had been joking that I must have a tape worm or something because every time I ate, I would feel sick. I was saying this to Molly and Trisha when Molly says "are you sure you're not pregnant?" Hmm......So I took 2 pregnancy tests on new year's eve (cause I wouldn't want to drink if I was) and sure enough it said I was pregnant! So I called my doctor and she wanted me to get some blood work done. That came back with HCG levels that were high enough to see a baby on an ultrasound. So we went this past Monday and we saw the babies heart flickering and the little arm and leg buds! The technician said that I was about 9 weeks 1 day! That was a nice surprise because we weren't exactly sure how far I would be! The baby's heart rate was 176 beats/min so that was great! We are both very excited for a new member of the family to join us, but are still a little anxious and nervous hoping that everything is developing correctly and all that. We have to wait until 20 weeks to find out whether it is a boy or girl but we will find out and tell you all!!
Anya is going to be such a good big sister. I'm sure she will be a great helper and kind to her little brother or sister. She already loves playing with her baby. She pushes it in her stroller all around the house and feeds it and hugs it. She was teaching it the sign for "all done" the other day! Last night she was taking a bath and I said "I love you" and she said all three words back! Lately she has just been saying "I you" but this time it was the whole thing! She is such a girl. Every morning she loves getting dressed for school and then I bring her into the bathroom and we do her hair. she picks out the hair clip or binder that she wants and she lets me put her hair in pony tails or pig tails. I have a picture of the pig tails I'll put up later. She is still talking up a storm and can count from 1-5 and then 9-10. She sings parts of "twinkle twinkle little star" and does all the signs to "5 little ducks". She is so much fun!
that's all for now!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Anya is really talking now. Her newest thing is to sing the "ABCs" Here's what she knows..
A, B, C, D........L, M,N, O, I know my A B C's
She was watching "Super Why" today and they ask what different letters are and we did O and P together and I was looking away and all of a sudden I heard "E!" and looked and the screen and sure enough there was an E up there. They hadn't said what it was yet, so she knew!
One day we were over at Dave and Mary Jo's and all of us were sitting around and Anya came over to me and said "Nigh Nigh momma" and I said "do you want to go nigh nigh?" and she shook her head and said "nigh nigh" again so I laid her down and she slept for close to 3 hours!
She slept over at Dan and Kelley's and when my brother dan walked in after getting some coffee's she said "Hi Dan!" and would call Kelley "mommy Kelley"
hmm..that's all I can think of now other than we had to take her to urgent care last night because she had a 103 temp and she has a double ear infection and a sinus infection! She's doing well though. Motrin and antibiotics are helping keep the temp down and she seems more like herself.
I'm still working on more pictures
A, B, C, D........L, M,N, O, I know my A B C's
She was watching "Super Why" today and they ask what different letters are and we did O and P together and I was looking away and all of a sudden I heard "E!" and looked and the screen and sure enough there was an E up there. They hadn't said what it was yet, so she knew!
One day we were over at Dave and Mary Jo's and all of us were sitting around and Anya came over to me and said "Nigh Nigh momma" and I said "do you want to go nigh nigh?" and she shook her head and said "nigh nigh" again so I laid her down and she slept for close to 3 hours!
She slept over at Dan and Kelley's and when my brother dan walked in after getting some coffee's she said "Hi Dan!" and would call Kelley "mommy Kelley"
hmm..that's all I can think of now other than we had to take her to urgent care last night because she had a 103 temp and she has a double ear infection and a sinus infection! She's doing well though. Motrin and antibiotics are helping keep the temp down and she seems more like herself.
I'm still working on more pictures
Christmas update
Anya had a very nice Christmas. She had fun with all of her aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, and grandpa. Unfortunately, I was unable to get any actual posed pictures of her and her cousins. On Dan's side, there are 7 children under the age of 4 so she had a blast with all of them, and then on my side she's got 6 older cousins who play and help take care of her. Here are some pictures of her opening her presents on Christmas day. We can't tell if she's going to be a basketball star or a soccer star! The other picture is of her and her cousin Holly. Christmas eve she discovered dill baby pickles and probably ate 20 of them! I have lots of other good pictures from auntie Kelley, but they are hard copies, so I've got to find a way to get them up here. I'll do that soon.
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