Monday, January 4, 2010

Anya is really talking now. Her newest thing is to sing the "ABCs" Here's what she knows..
A, B, C, D........L, M,N, O, I know my A B C's
She was watching "Super Why" today and they ask what different letters are and we did O and P together and I was looking away and all of a sudden I heard "E!" and looked and the screen and sure enough there was an E up there. They hadn't said what it was yet, so she knew!

One day we were over at Dave and Mary Jo's and all of us were sitting around and Anya came over to me and said "Nigh Nigh momma" and I said "do you want to go nigh nigh?" and she shook her head and said "nigh nigh" again so I laid her down and she slept for close to 3 hours!

She slept over at Dan and Kelley's and when my brother dan walked in after getting some coffee's she said "Hi Dan!" and would call Kelley "mommy Kelley"

hmm..that's all I can think of now other than we had to take her to urgent care last night because she had a 103 temp and she has a double ear infection and a sinus infection! She's doing well though. Motrin and antibiotics are helping keep the temp down and she seems more like herself.

I'm still working on more pictures

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