Anya's daycare did a unit on the circus. To end the week they asked us to dress the kids up as clowns with wacky hair. This is Anya in the morning before we went to school. Note the purple crocs (look like clown shoes to me) She loves brushing her teeth. She will do it as many times in a day as we will let her! They did face painting and made balloon hats. She had a lot of fun. Here are some of Anya's latest sentences "I want a pickle"
"no I want milk not water" "I wanna go downstairs" "Momma, momma, momma, I wanna watch dora!" She is definitely talking more and more each day! Today she woke up from her nap singing "winkle winkle little star.." and then when Dan went in the room she said "baby is sleeping!" and pointed to her baby doll in it's cradle. oh too funny.
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