Here's the last belly shot taken the morning Finn was born (yesterday). We all thought that I would need a c-section because of how big he (I) looked. Dan bet he would be 9lb 7 oz, I bet 9lb, 12 oz, the biggest was my friend Trisha who said 10 lb 6 oz. Well, we were all wrong. He was one ounce away from a 9 pounder. However, the doctors said if he was delivered at 41 weeks like Anya, he would for sure have been bigger than her. She was 9lb 2 oz. Anyway, here is a picture of him weighing in.
The c-section went well. It was an odd sensation for me to be able to feel so much touching, tugging, pushing, pressure, but not actual sharp pain. Very weird. Finn's head is 14.5 inches around, so the first thing my doctor said was that I made the right choice to have a c-section cause that was a huge head! He might not have even fit or I would would have had some serious tearing. The doctor said that he tried to turn around when she was pulling him out- he was trying to run away!
Here's where I got to meet Finn for the first time. Then they took him to clean him up. They said he had some difficulty breathing out but he was able to fix it on his own. He also was pretty pale, so they put him under a heat lamp for a while and now he's as pink as can be. I didn't get to really see him until we got into our regular room which was a good 2.5 hours after he was actually born.
He looks a lot like Anya did, but in more of a boy way. He totally has Dan's build- broad chested, big head, big hands and feet, and just kinda thick but not chunky. He looks like a linebacker. He ate well for us and has already had lots of poopy diapers. He didn't cry all day and was just happy sleeping.
As for me, I'm doing well. Post op pain has been way more than I remember with Anya, it's been hard for them to get it under control. So I'm not sure if c-section was "easier" than giving birth vaginally. However, with such a big head, this probably was a better choice. I was able to sit up and stand up last night and today they will take all the junk off me and I'll have to get up more on my own. I think that's it for now, thanks everyone for your prayers and good wishes! Love you!
1 comment:
Yay for baby Finn! So happy for you guys and Mary, I know it really stinks the first few days after surgery but a 9 pounder is still plenty big where I would want a c-section! Especially a baby with all of those brains in there!
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