Anya and Finn went in Friday for their 2 year and 2 month check ups. They were great the whole time and we were there from about 1:30 until 3:00. They both had to get shots-they cried, but calmed down relatively fast. Anya had to get a finger poke and didn't even make a peep! Here are the stats:
Anya: Height 35.5 in (75%)
Weight 29 lb (75%)
Head circumference 47 cm (25-50%) she has always had a small head. :)
Finn: Height 24 in (75-90%)
Weight 14.5 lb (over 95%)
Head circumference 40 cm (50%)
Anya continues to do well with no nuk. Now she doesn't even ask for it! Finn's not really interested in one, so hopefully he just won't need it. Finn is definitely cooing and smiling more and more each day. Anya makes Dan and I laugh every day. Just the other day she found my bra in the laundry basket and held it up to herself and said "mommy look at me!". I laughed so hard!
Here are a few pictures of Anya playing in the leaves.

This is the maple tree we planted in memory of my dad, Roger.