WHOO HOO!! so now 2 nights in a row he has made it from 9:30pm until 7am! That's a full night of sleep! I really hope he keeps it up because I go back to work a week from Monday. Finn is also starting to smile a little more and is becoming more active. He likes to lay on his play mat and swing at the hanging toys. He actually hits them. He moves his arm slowly until he hits it the first time and then he bats at it to really make it go. Here is Finn in his U of MN Gopher gear. He's kind of smiling...

I'm a linebacker! He looks like he's saying "what? you want a piece of me?"

Anya has been doing good and is so talkative! It's so funny the things she says. She loves to sing in the car on the way home and have me sing songs. Last night, I was tired of singing and told her that and she said. "mommy, you tired? you need a hug?" it just melted my heart. Now everyday when I pick her up from school, she gets her lunch box out of the fridge and opens it up to find a snack to eat in the car. This consists of something she refused to eat for breakfast or lunch. The other day she chose to eat a container full of cold green beans in the car on the way home! Hey go right ahead and eat those beans!
1 comment:
He is probably the cutest Gopher fan I have ever seen! He does indeed look like a linebacker :)
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