Over the past weekend we got close to 18 inches of snow! This one gives you a good idea of how much we got if you think about the snow being up to the arms of the chairs!

This is across the street from us. You can barely see the door!

down the block a parked car is almost buried!

Last Sunday Anya had her children's Christmas party at my school. There are fun activities like decorating ornaments, face painting, prizes, and presents from Santa. Last year, Anya didn't want to sit on Santa's lap- she was kind of afraid of him. This year, she waited patiently...

and she wanted to talk to him, but was still not quite ready to sit on his lap.

I'm not sure how much Finn weighs these days but I wouldn't be surprised if it was close to 20 lbs. He is wearing 9 month clothing and we have to supplement his bottles with rice cereal already (he isn't even 4 months yet!). 8 oz at a feeding wasn't doing the trick anymore, he would be hungry after 2 hours so, now with a few scoops of rice cereal mixed in, he is doing much better! Anya is still doing great at being a big sister. She loves to talk to Finn, tickle him, sing to him, and help me with little chores. Finn smiles so big when she is around. He likes to watch her dance and he listens to her talk non-stop!

Oh my gosh that boy is a monster eater! I think Nate has eaten an 8 ounce bottle like 5 times in his entire life! He's going to be able to wrestle him soon, I love it!
Cute pictures!!!
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