Finn went in for his 4 month check up. Everything looks great! He weighs 17.5 lbs, and is 26 3/4 in long which is pretty much exactly the same as what Anya was. He has started eating veggies. He's tried sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, and peas and has loved them all! He is doing great eating from a spoon and you can't get it in fast enough! Finn is also having fun actually playing with toys now. He holds them and waves them around, passes them from hand to hand, puts everything in his mouth. When he is on his back on his play mat he can turn himself all around to get to all the toys and bats at them and grabs onto them. He continues to be a happy, laid back guy. He's all smiles. Even when he got his shots at the last check up, he didn't flinch or cry, instead he smiled when we all said "Good job Finn!". He's just amazing and a super easy baby. We can put him to bed without a fuss, he doesn't need a nuk, he eats well and sleeps well. He's just an angel!
Anya has been extra funny lately. She still loves bella ballet and cheerleading. Now we have "Just Dance" for the Wii so everyday we dance to a few of her favorite songs. She continues to amaze us. Today she had 7 m&m's in a bowl and counted them all. Then she ate one and counted them to 6 and so on....When she got to 3, she held up 3 fingers and said "now I have 3" , ate one, held up 2 fingers and said " now I have 2", ate one more, held up 1 finger and said "now theres one more left". Tonight she was walking around with a DVD and I heard her say "look mommy, it's a flashlight" I looked and the the light from the ceiling was reflecting off the DVD and making a circle on the ceiling. She would move it around and say "look now there's 2 of them, now there's 1, now it's far away...." The other day she was asking where daddy was and I said he was downstairs. She then proceeds to shout "Dan? Dan?" all the way across the living room and down the stairs. I guess I must holler for Dan a lot.
1 comment:
That's pretty funny hollering for Dan. I still see so much of you in Finn. He's growing so fast!
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