I just thought this was kind of fun to look back at last year's Christmas picture compared to this year's.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The difference in one year
I just thought this was kind of fun to look back at last year's Christmas picture compared to this year's.
Oh yeah
I also like this picture cause she looks so old sitting at a big kid lunch table in our cafeteria! Pretty soon she will be graduating from highschool! She has graduated to 2 word sentences. "See ya", "Hi Aebo", "Bye Aebo", "Help please", and "More please". She is also getting better every day with trying to repeat any word you give her. Some are hard to make out, but others are surprisingly good!
Christmas Mass
Today we had our Christmas Mass as this was our last day of school before Christmas break! After the mass, they bring out the "little knights" (our school daycare group) for them to sing a few songs. This year the song was "there was one, there were two, there were three little angles, ...." Even though Anya was too young to sing it, she still found a way to participate. She was standing right up front and center and held up one finger, then two fingers...it was so cute. The pictures are kind of fuzzy, but hopefully you can see her two little fingers up. I don't doubt that next year she will be the loudest microphone hogging singer.
BSM Christmas Party
My school had a Christmas party for all the little kids of faculty and staff in the building. They had all sorts of stations like face painting, ornament decorating, etc...BUT the only thing Anya wanted to do was play basketball with the boys. She just kept drifting back over to the basketball "court". So here are a few pictures of her approaching the basket and then her "slam dunk". My favorite is of her playing "keep away" with her boyfriend Charlie. There is also her first meeting with Santa. She was not thrilled even though he gave her a cute Christmas book.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
More fun pictures

Anya has fun playing with her cousin Gabriel and they both LOVE reading with grandpa. The other pictures are just of Anya being cute. I was FINALLY able to get her hair up into a pony tail! It was so funny sticking up about 3 inches off the top of her head! Anya is really talking a lot now. She tries to repeat just about anything you tell her. The other day she said "teacher" and "duck" because they were pages of one of her favorite books "Brown Bear Brown Bear" . She is getting really good at her shape ball. she can turn the ball around until the right shape hole lines up with the shape she is holding and then she gets it in! I used to have to move the ball to the right spot, but now she does it on her own. She is just so much fun.
Picking out the Christmas Tree
Friday, November 13, 2009
Anya loves reading books and her new thing is to take her teddy bear and a good book and sit in her rocking chair. She loves getting in and out of things like her rocking chair and cradle that grandpa Roger made her. She has also discovered a fun place that's just the right size for a finger! Funny girl.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dress up time

Anya played dress up last night. I tried on what will be her halloween costume. Super cute. Some new things: she has her 4th tooth, is obsessed with her bellybutton and anyone elses that she can find by lifting up their shirts (watch out!) She also will point to your eye and say "eye". "stop it" is also on her list of words and she tells Aebo that quite a bit.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
new pictures!
Anya and her cousins went to a farm in Andover today to take some fall/winter pictures. It snowed this morning! She saw ponies, pigs, cows, and goats for the first time today. It was really cold today even though the pictures look sunny. Her new thing now is that she loves rocking horses. She can get on them and rock herself it is so funny!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October update

Anya is finally getting more teeth! She got her 3rd tooth about a month ago and now she is getting in her 4th. Two on top and two on bottom. I just wanted to put up a few pictures of her. Her hair is getting a lot longer now with a ton of curl in the back. The bangs in the front really don't curl, but everything else does. I cut her bangs just a little so that they didn't hang in her eyes. She is definitely starting to try to talk more. She tries to repeat some of the words we say. (she is really good at saying no). Oh, she can get into the pantry and get herself a snack of crackers and while I was typing this she reached up on the island and grabbed some graham crackers off. How can she reach that! Wow, now there is a whole new world of things we need to watch out for! She is just so much fun to watch and to see what she can do and learn. What a fun age!
Friday, September 25, 2009
well, I don't have a picture to put up, but I wanted to just update for my own sake, really, so I don't forget before I get this into her baby book.
Anya's vocabulary now consists of mama, daddy, hi, no no, num num, baby, nigh nigh ....let me think (that was me)
Her first sentence was "nigh nigh daddy" (night night daddy), her second sentence was "hi daddy"
she sure loves her daddy!
If you ask her if she want's a drink and she doesn't, she will shake her head, push the cup away and say no no no no.
The 3 things we don't want her to do are her favorite things to do. play in the dog food and water, grab fistfulls of dirt from the plant, and pull dvd's off the shelf.
She knows the signs to "itsy bitsy spider" when we sing it, she does them.
She nodds her head yes or no.
She loves putting shapes into their holes.
She helps pick up her toys before bed.
That's all I can think of for now! She is so much fun right now. Our favorite time of the day is sitting in her room playing with her.
Anya's vocabulary now consists of mama, daddy, hi, no no, num num, baby, nigh nigh ....let me think (that was me)
Her first sentence was "nigh nigh daddy" (night night daddy), her second sentence was "hi daddy"
she sure loves her daddy!
If you ask her if she want's a drink and she doesn't, she will shake her head, push the cup away and say no no no no.
The 3 things we don't want her to do are her favorite things to do. play in the dog food and water, grab fistfulls of dirt from the plant, and pull dvd's off the shelf.
She knows the signs to "itsy bitsy spider" when we sing it, she does them.
She nodds her head yes or no.
She loves putting shapes into their holes.
She helps pick up her toys before bed.
That's all I can think of for now! She is so much fun right now. Our favorite time of the day is sitting in her room playing with her.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Josh and Hannah's Wedding

Our good friends Josh and Hannah got married this weekend. The Seppala family definitely played their part. Anya was the flower girl, Dan was a groomsmen, I was the personal attendant, and Dan's two sisters (Kristin and Kari) were bridesmaid and maid of honor. The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time. Here are some of the pics from that!
Blue Eyed Girl
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
one more thing
Oh, I forgot to mention that Anya is a pro at walking now. She walks 99% of the time and barely crawls. She has also tried to run a few times. It is so cute! I'll have to take another video of her and how good at it she is now.
Pismo Beach
well, that could have been more of a disaster. It was so windy that the sand would rip your face off. I got about a bucket full of sand in my eyes and my hair was wipping around viciously. Anya was crying...not good. We were there all of about 10 minutes. Here's how much Anya liked it. A few days later, though, we went to another beach that was nice and calm.. Dan and Brian went paddle boarding while Kari and I worked on our tans. Anya had a great time and played on the blanket in the sand. She was a perfect Angel that day.
Gainey Vineyard
Santa Barbara

I was nervous leading up to the trip to Santa Barbara, wondering how Anya would do on the plane. She did amazing! She had a bottle on take off and fell asleep spread across both of our laps. She slept for about an hour and a half. Then woke up and played with her toys and books. She made a couple of fussy noises, but really not anything that people would have been annoyed with. We landed in LA and then had to take the smallest plane ever into Santa Barbara. It was only a 20 min flight! So to make up for being a good girl on the plane, she proceeded to have the worst night of sleep ever in her entire life including being a new born. She was screaming and wailing, and there was nothing we could do to help her. We almost thought about taking her to the hospital. But then she was great the next 5 nights. Then 2 nights ago, she cried really hard for an hour. So we decided she is teething again and I went and got some teething tablets from wallgreens and she slept from 8:00pm until 9:30 am! wow. She has been taking good naps though. Anyway, here are a few pictures of Santa Barbara from the pier and of Anya in her little backpack.
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