Saturday, April 14, 2012

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Dan heard about a daddy-daughter dance held at a middle school in Apple Valley. He signed them up to go and it was tonight. Anya has been so excited for two weeks now. So today it was as if she was getting ready for prom. She took a bath, we painted her nails, I curled her hair and put flowers in it, she picked out her purple dress, and then we proceeded with the pictures out on the front lawn. Oh my gosh she was so funny. She reminded me of Rapunzel in the movie Tangled. There's a scene where she is exploring the beauty of the outdoors and is just singing and dancing and rolling in the grass...that's totally what Anya did. Then we got a bunch of cute pictures of Anya and Dan together. Anya had a great time at the ball. The first thing she said when she got home was that she was crying in the car because she just wanted to stay at the ball forever! She had lemonaide and cookies, got a princess wand, fished under the sea with Ariel and won a necklace, she sat on a magic carpet and read a story with Jazmine, and got to dance with Belle and Cinderella. She was thrilled.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whew it's been a while!

It's been quite a while since I've posted and feel just a little guilty about that. I haven't even taken all that many pictures lately! There hasn't been much snow, but I did try to get the kids out playing in it. By playing I mean making Anya shovel. :)

Just a cute one of Finn. Still sweet sweet boy. He is really talking a ton lately. He tries to repeat almost any word you say. Momma, daddy, anya, aebo, pup pup, bampa (grandpa), gamma, kitty, up, please, more, help, no, mine, stop, baby, book, car, truck, duck, cow moo, bye bye, applesauce, outside, etc..When we read brown bear brown bear he can point to the yellow duck, black sheep, etc... He loves reading books and playing with cars. He is just a happy boy. He loves to dance with Anya, and just loves doing anything with Anya. The other day he was sitting in her lap and she was "reading" him a book. They really get along well.
Anya and Dan have been cooking a lot together. Anya loves making cupcakes. She can do all the steps even cracking the eggs!

Dan recently made a piece of artwork for our main living room wall. It was inspired by something Hannah and I saw at West Elm, we came home and told the boys about it and then Dan thought up this amazing piece. He used spare canoe wood that my dad had in his garage! It's woven together and holds it's own so it only needed 2 nails into the wall to hold it up. I really like that it has dimension and takes on different shades depending on how the light hits it. The pictures hanging on it are pictures Dan has taken on different hikes.