Friday, September 25, 2009

well, I don't have a picture to put up, but I wanted to just update for my own sake, really, so I don't forget before I get this into her baby book.

Anya's vocabulary now consists of mama, daddy, hi, no no, num num, baby, nigh nigh ....let me think (that was me)

Her first sentence was "nigh nigh daddy" (night night daddy), her second sentence was "hi daddy"
she sure loves her daddy!

If you ask her if she want's a drink and she doesn't, she will shake her head, push the cup away and say no no no no.

The 3 things we don't want her to do are her favorite things to do. play in the dog food and water, grab fistfulls of dirt from the plant, and pull dvd's off the shelf.

She knows the signs to "itsy bitsy spider" when we sing it, she does them.

She nodds her head yes or no.

She loves putting shapes into their holes.

She helps pick up her toys before bed.

That's all I can think of for now! She is so much fun right now. Our favorite time of the day is sitting in her room playing with her.

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